Creating your first app

You have some app defined in the ionyweb code:

  • page_blog
  • page_redirect
  • page_text
  • page_agenda
  • page_book
  • page_gallery_images
  • page_sitemap

You can use this apps as an example or directly in your project.

Create the app skeleton

$ ionyweb-manage startapp YOUR_APP_NAME
Starting creation of : YOUR_APP_NAME

App dir created.
App Models file created.
App Views created.
App Forms created.
App Urls created.
App Admin created.
App Templates created.
App Locale dir created.

Now just define your models,
Custom the default template : 'index.html',
Add your app to your INSTALLED_APPS : 'page_YOUR_APP_NAME'
Synchronise the database.
 => Your app is fully configured !

$ python schemamigration plugin_YOUR_APP_NAME --initial
    $ python migrate plugin_YOUR_APP_NAME

You can now create page of your new type. But it is as empty as possible.

Configure the app

Let’s say we want to create a list of music groups.

We will need this kind of data:

  • Country with country code
  • Music style
  • Group informations

Country and Music gender are not related to the page but we want to be able to create different list of group for each pages.

Create the app models

If we open the generated page_group/ file we have:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from import AbstractPageApp

class PageApp_Group(AbstractPageApp):

    # Define your fields here

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'Group #%d' % (

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _(u"Group")

This is the minimum to define a Ionyweb Page App.

We will add some other models:

class Country(models.Model):
    """A list of countries."""
    code = models.CharField(_(u'code'), max_length=2, primary_key=True,
                            help_text=_(u"See <a href='"
                                        u"codes_iso_pays.php' target='_blank'>"
                                        u"the country code list</a>."))

    name = models.CharField(_(u'name'), max_length=75)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'%s' %

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _(u'Country')
        verbose_name_plural = _(u"Countries")

class MusicStyle(models.Model):
    """A list of music type."""
    name = models.CharField(_(u'name'), max_length=30, unique=True)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'%s' %

class Group(models.Model):
    app = models.ForeignKey(PageApp_Group, related_name="groups")

    music_style = models.ForeignKey(MusicStyle, related_name="groups")
    countries = models.ManyToManyField(Country, related_name="groups")

    code = models.CharField(_(u'code'), max_length=5, help_text=_(u"Exemple C002 ou MA201"))
    photo =  models.CharField(_("photo"), max_length=200, blank=True)

    name = models.CharField(_(u'name'), max_length=100)
    description = models.TextField(_(u'description'), blank=True)

    class Meta:
        ordering = ('code',)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"%s : %s" % (self.code,

    def class_css(self):
        style_class ='^[a-zA-Z]+', self.code)

Create the app view

Next we want to display the group list on our page.

If we open the generated page_group/ file we have:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from django.template import RequestContext
from import render_view

# from import CSSMedia, JSMedia, JSAdminMedia
    # App CSS
    # CSSMedia('page_group.css'),
    # App JS
    # JSMedia('page_group.js'),
    # Actions JSAdmin
    # JSAdminMedia('page_group_actions.js'),

def index_view(request, page_app):
    return render_view('page_group/index.html',
                       { 'object': page_app, },

You can provide some medias specific to your app views and to your app administration.


Don’t forget the context_instance parameter of the render_view if you want the media to be displayed.

The index view is the default. It is defined in the

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from views import index_view

urlpatterns = patterns('',
                       url(r'^$', index_view),

Lets modify the template page_group/templates/page_group/index.html file we have:

<p>That the app Group.</p>

We will change it for:

<h1>My list of groups</h1>
    {% for group in object.groups.all %}
    <li>{{ group }}</li>
    {% empty %}
    <li>No groups yet</li>
    {% endfor %}

Creating the administration

Create the urls

We need to create a page_group/ file:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ionyweb.administration.actions.utils import get_actions_urls

from models import Country, MusicStyle, Group
from forms import CountryForm, MusicStyleForm, GroupForm

urlpatterns = get_actions_urls(Country, form_class=CountryForm)
urlpatterns += get_actions_urls(MusicStyle, form_class=MusicStyleForm)
urlpatterns += get_actions_urls(Group, form_class=GroupForm)

We will also create basic forms that we will be able to improve page_group/

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import floppyforms as forms
from ionyweb.forms import ModuloModelForm
from models import PageApp_Group, Country, MusicStyle, Group

class PageApp_GroupForm(ModuloModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = PageApp_Group

class CountryForm(ModuloModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Country

class MusicStyleForm(ModuloModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = MusicStyle

class GroupForm(ModuloModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Group

Create the js UI

Then we will create the js to display the form.

We need to create the former file page_group/static/admin/js/page_group_actions.js:

admin.page_group = {

    edit_countries: function(relation_id){
        url : '/wa/action/' + relation_id + '/country_list/',
    edit_country: function(relation_id, country_pk){
        url : 'wa/action/' + relation_id + '/country/' + country_pk + '/',
    edit_music_styles: function(relation_id){
        url : '/wa/action/' + relation_id + '/musicstyle_list/',
    edit_music_style: function(relation_id, music_style_pk){
        url : 'wa/action/' + relation_id + '/musicstyle/' + music_style_pk + '/',
    edit_groups: function(relation_id){
        url : '/wa/action/' + relation_id + '/group_list/',
    edit_group: function(relation_id, group_pk){
        url : 'wa/action/' + relation_id + '/group/' + group_pk + '/',

In the page_group/, we need to activate the AdminJSFile:

from import CSSMedia, JSMedia, JSAdminMedia
    # App CSS
    # CSSMedia('page_group.css'),
    # App JS
    # JSMedia('page_group.js'),
    # Actions JSAdmin

Configure the UI actions

In the models file, we will configure the PageApp actions:

class PageApp_Group(AbstractPageApp):

    # Define your fields here

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'Group #%d' % (

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _(u"Group")

    class ActionsAdmin:
        title = _(u"Group App")
        actions_list = (
            {'title':_(u'Edit countries'),
             'callback': "admin.page_group.edit_countries"},
            {'title':_(u'Edit music styles'),
             'callback': "admin.page_group.edit_music_styles"},
            {'title':_(u'Edit groups'),
             'callback': "admin.page_group.edit_groups"},


That’s it, now we will be able to add our groups, countries and music styles to the app. Don’t hesitate to read the code of the other app to improve the basic UI.

Improve the Group’s form

We want to improve the UI.

  • In the photo field we want to be able to select an image at the right size from the FileManager.
  • The description field should be a HTML edit.

Let change the page_group/

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import floppyforms as forms

from ionyweb.forms import ModuloModelForm
from ionyweb.file_manager.widgets import FileManagerWidget
from ionyweb.widgets import TinyMCELargeTable

from models import PageApp_Group, Country, MusicStyle, Group

# [...]

class GroupForm(ModuloModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Group
        exclude = ('app',)
        widgets = {
            'photo': FileManagerWidget,
            'description': TinyMCELargeTable(attrs={'style': 'width: 100%; height: 300px;', }),

Create another view to the page app

Now that we have our list of group, we would like to display another page to see the group’s details.

This will be done by using definding other urls:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from views import index_view, detail_view

urlpatterns = patterns('',
                       url(r'^$', index_view),
                       url(r'^(?P<pk>[\w-]+)/$', detail_view),

Then we will create another view:

from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

def detail_view(request, page_app, pk):
    obj = get_object_or_404(page_app.groups.get(pk=pk))

    return render_view('page_group/detail.html',
                       { 'object': obj, },

And another template:

<h1>{{ }}</h1>
    {{ object.description|safe }}

We will also provide a get_absolute_url to our Group object:

class Group(models.Model):
    # [ ... ]

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return u'%sp/%s/' % (,

So we can change the index.html template:

<h1>My list of groups</h1>
    {% for group in object.groups.all %}
    <li><a href="{{ group.get_absolute_url }}">{{ group }}</a></li>
    {% empty %}
    <li>No groups yet</li>
    {% endfor %}

That’s it !

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